

Score & Parts, Downloadable

Duration 7:00 $115.00

Reed Doubles

  1. Fl., Sop.
  2. Sop., Cl.
  3. Sop.
  4. Cl., Bs. Cl.


This is a valve trombone feature, but I have thought this could possibly feature guitar.


5 reeds, 3 French horns, 3 trombones, 1 bass trombone, tuba, bass, drums and featured solo valve trombone

The offer contains

  • Downloadable PDF Score & Parts for "Anthem"
  • Streamed video of Maria discussing the rehearsal of this piece


  1. Recorded by Bob Brookmeyer with the Ed Partyka Jazz Orchestra (Madly Loving You – Challenge Records), this piece was written as a birthday gift for Bob Brookmeyer. Bob was my mentor, teacher and friend for many years. Writing for him was daunting, but to this day, I marvel at his playing on this piece. I do not own rights to the recording, but surely you can find it. "Anthem" obviously features valve trombone which makes it limiting to most groups. It also requires five reeds, 3 french horns, 4 trumpets, 3 trombones, bass trombone, tuba, bass and drums. This instrumentation is obviously a limiting factor for most groups, but it creates wonderful colors – a whole new palette.

    In the case that you don't have a wonderful soloist on valve trombone (it's pretty tough to find), I've include a solo part for guitar, which I think could be a nice option, but I will admit, I've not had the chance to try it myself.


  1. flute, soprano
  2. clarinet, soprano
  3. tenor
  4. tenor, soprano
  5. bass clarinet, clarinet

See full selection of Scores & Parts, categorized by difficulty, doubles, and solos.